UNAA SA Advisors

UNAA SA Advisors

Links to Advisors to the UNAA South Australia Committee


Hon Rev Dr Lynn Arnold AO

Hon Rev Dr Lynn Arnold AO

Hon Rev Dr Lynn Arnold AO, is currently an assistant priest at St Peter’s Anglican Cathedral and a Reader [Public Theology & Ethics] at St Barnabas Theological College. Previously, Lynn had senior leadership roles in World Vision [CEO WV Australia 1997-2003; Reg’l VP [Asia/Pacific] 2003-2006; International Director of Board Development & Peer Review, 2006-2008] and Anglicare SA [2008-2012].

Prior to this involvement in community service organisations, Lynn served in the South Australian parliament for fifteen years including over eleven years as a member of Cabinet (with a fifteen month stint as Premier).He chaired the Dunstan Foundation from 2010-20 and the Public Affairs Commission of the Anglican Church of Australia from 2014-18. Lynn is a Reconciliation Ambassador for Reconciliation SA, Goodwill Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goals for the United Nations Association of Australia, an Australia Day Ambassador and Justice Advocate for Second Chances. Lynn is married to Elaine; they have five children and, at most recent count, seven grandchildren.



Hon. Dr. Robyn Layton AO QC

The Hon. Dr. Robyn Layton AO QC

Robyn Layton is a former Supreme Court Judge of South Australia. Currently Justice Layton is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Law, University of South Australia and is a Judicial Education and Program Development Consultant.

At the international level, Robyn was a Member and later the Chair of the Committee of Experts on Application of Conventions of the ILO, Geneva, from 1993 to 2008. She is currently a consultant for the Asia Development Bank (ADB) on gender issues such Legal Literacy for Women in Pakistan and Afghanistan (developing and delivering training programs for judges and prosecutors and setting up Gender Based Violence Courts throughout Pakistan); Strengthening Women’s Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks in Mongolia, Lao PDR and Fiji (undertaking gender assessment of laws and policies, consultations and delivering national and regional capacity building workshops). Previously she was Team Leader for an ADB Gender Development Poverty Reduction Project for Women in Kazakhstan, Cambodia and the Philippines. In addition Robyn is a consultant for the ILO and delivers training for judges and lawyers on labour law and human rights standards internationally as well as at the International Labour Centre in Turin Italy.

Prior to her Supreme Court appointment Robyn worked as a barrister and a Queens Counsel across broad areas of law, many of which intersected with social justice and human rights, such as the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, children, women and refugees. Robyn still works closely with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in many capacities, including as Chair of Justice Reinvestment SA that works with a community driven Aboriginal group Tiraapindi Wodli at Port Adelaide.

Robyn has received a number of awards as a result of her human rights work: Member of the Order of Australia (AO) (2012); The South Australian, Australian of the Year (2012); Justice Award Law Society of South Australia (2013) and Australian Woman Lawyer Award (2016).



Genevieve Theseira-Haese

Genevieve Theseira-Haese

Genevieve was born and raised in Singapore to Eurasian parents.

Her early years were largely influenced by her parents and her father’s library.

She became an avid reader and her learning through books continues to this day but at the age of 17 she was introduced to the psychology of advertising when she read ‘Ogilvy on Advertising’ by Sir David Ogilvy, who Genevieve describes as a modern day Merlin (he even had his own castle!).

Inspired by the potential to positively influence people to action through storytelling and ‪ imagery, she moved to Los Angeles where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in Communication.

Her thesis was ‘The Art of Influence and Persuasion’ and her interest in psychology and metaphysics has become a life long passion.

Genevieve moved to London in 1986 where she lived and worked in the advertising industry for 10 years.

In 2000 her father passed away at age 59, so Genevieve moved back to Singapore to be with her family.  She was very close to her father and his death led her on a more spiritual journey, a world away from the world of advertising.

She started reading books that nourished her mind and soul, books that spoke of listening and synchronicity and Genevieve was particularly drawn to author Lee Coit, who also came from the world of advertising but began a quest that led him deeper into the uncovering of his own spiritual being.

Genevieve’s life took on new meaning, yet one where everything she had learned and experienced from the world of advertising merged with holistic healing, family and spirituality to create a purpose and vision of her future.

Genevieve’s passion for helping others saw her join the Board of the Home Nursing Foundation in Singapore and develop a number of holistic healing retreats across Asia.

Genevieve is the founder and owner of the holistic healing arts portal ‘BreathingSpace Inc’, a healing arts portal designed to promote the healing arts to corporate executives globally.

Genevieve first met Martin Haese in 2000 at a Global Entrepreneur’s Organisation event and they were married in Melbourne in January 2010 before moving to Adelaide, South Australia.


  • Entrepreneurial Studies, Stanford University, California 2005
  • Post Graduate Advertising And Communication Arts (Honours) School of Communication Arts, London 1988
  • Bachelor of Communication Arts (Honours) University of Arts, London 1985
  • Bachelor of Communication Arts (Honours) Otis College of Art and Design, California 1983



Gavin Wanganeen

Gavin Wanganeen

Gavin Wanganeen is an Australian Football League (AFL) legend, acclaimed contemporary Indigenous artist and Aboriginal activist. Gavin’s AFL career spanned 300 senior games at the Essendon and Port Adelaide Football Clubs, earning him countless accolades, including the dedication of a grandstand at Adelaide Oval in 2015, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the game.

He was the first Indigenous player to win a Brownlow Medal at the age of 20, and the first Indigenous player to reach 300 AFL games. Having retired from the AFL over a decade ago, he continues to inspire and break new ground through his work as a contemporary Indigenous artist, is the first Aboriginal past player to be elected on to the board of an AFL club, and is committed to improving the lives of Aboriginal people.



Pippa Wanganeen

Pippa Wanganeen

After completing Bachelor degrees in Arts and Law, Pippa relocated to South Africa where she worked on a suite of projects including a national children’s music and dance competition with a focus on driving social change. Pippa volunteered with a number of aid organisations in the South African townships, worked as a model and assisted with the successful rollout of a major Australian retail brand.

After completing Bachelor degrees in Arts and Law, Pippa relocated to South Africa where she worked on a suite of projects including a national children’s music and dance competition with a focus on driving social change. Pippa volunteered with a number of aid organisations in the South African townships, worked as a model and assisted with the successful rollout of a major Australian retail brand.



Andrew Baines

Photo of Andrew Baines

A full-time artist since 1997, Andrew exhibits his paintings internationally. He has gained considerable international recognition for his trademark surreal installations & inspired paintings, where he puts politicians, orchestras, live cows, Hills hoists, Archbishops and hundreds of suited volunteers in the sea for photo shoots. A finalist in over 20 art prizes, most notably three times in the Doug Moran National Portrait prize. Baines has a swift and accurate eye, a quirky sense of humour, the ability to rapidly define a moment from which we can create a narrative surrounding the event. His is a unique view, executed with considerable accomplishment and appreciated by a rapidly widening international audience, via exhibitions in the USA, UK and Europe.
